Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Jeter, Mr. 3000, skipping All-Star Game

Derek Jeter is skipping the All-Star Game due to "emotional and physical exhaustion."  Jeter's chase of 3,000 hits, which culminated Saturday with a home run off David Price, was cited as part of the exhaustion. He returned from the 15-day DL at the end of June with a calf injury as well.

Jeter doesn't want to fly to Phoenix for the All-Star Game. It's that simple. He'd rather rest and stay out of the spotlight. Many, including an anonymous Major League Baseball official, don't like it. They want him there so everyone can celebrate his 3,000th hit. It's not about "honoring Jeter". It's so more people will watch the game, so others can make a big deal out of his accomplishment. Jeter doesn't need anymore honors or celebrations of his career. He'll take brief three days rest. And with the way the system is set up, it's his right to do it.

Bud Selig came out with an statement saying it's fine for Jeter to skip the game. Selig said there isn't anyone he's more proud of than Jeter, and how he might do the same thing Jeter is doing. Okay, Bud. But the point is players can back out if they want to, if they're injured or wanting rest.

At this point, for some of the All-Stars, they don't care about going to another All-Star Game. Whether it's the right thing to do or not, whether it screws the fans or not, maybe Derek Jeter doesn't care about going to his 13th All-Star Game. Maybe, for once, Jeter is looking out for Numero Uno.

I don't begrudge Jeter one bit for not attending. If the league wants every player selected to attend, make it mandatory. But they won't because of the backlash from the players. Sure, fans would like to see Jeter play in the All-Star Game but, I'm sorry, fans don't (and shouldn't) influence stars' decisions.

And of all people, there's going to be backlash against Derek Jeter?! Stop. He's played in 12 All-Star Games. He made the choice that staying put and resting was more beneficial to him than hopping a plane, flying cross country, playing three innings, and flying back. It may not endear him to the selfish fans but that's the way it goes.

The All-Star Game will be fine without Derek Jeter. I'm sure they'll be able to adequately honor him and his accomplishment without him actually being there. I have no doubt FOX will let everyone know about it.

All the All-Stars skipping the game this year, 16 in all, proves yet again that no one cares about the winner of the ASG determining home-field advantage in the World Series. It's time for that to go. And hopefully it will be retired when Selig goes.

1 comment:

  1. I disagree about the ASG counting being completely a bad idea. I believe the intentions were correct, in that they are trying to avoid a fake exhibition similar to the pro bowl, or a weird and-1 game like the NBA. I would say its the best all star game of any sport. I hear you that "making it count" is not all that it was hyped up to be, but whats the alternative? My take is that most of the players honestly dont feel that they will make the world series so it doesnt make a differenct to them.
