Monday, May 24, 2010

Brown Couldn't Make Adjustments

The Cavs finally pulled the trigger on Mike Brown's head coaching career. Cleveland canned 2009's coach of the year after another disappointing playoff series. It wasn't a matter of if, but when. The day after Boston eliminated Cleveland reports surfaced that Brown would be fired.

The Cavs and its fans expected a championship this year. They've expected one since 2007 when LeBron and Brown first made the NBA Finals. After three years of earlier-than-expected exits, they had to fire Brown.

Brown is catching the bulk of the heat after this year's loss. Mainly because no one wants to criticize LeBron James, who was MIA in Game 5 and turned the ball over 9 times in Game 6. James deserves blame, but he can't win or lose a playoff series by himself. He didn't play well most of the series and neither did the "supporting cast." But how much of that was not being put in a good position to win? Mike Brown and his staff continued a trend of not making the proper adjustments throughout tough playoff series.

Brown and the Cavs are able to cruise to 66 and 61 regular season wins because the style they play is set up to play one game. The Playoffs are a different situation and that approach doesn't work. Teams get a couple games in a row against the Cavs and they prepare for them differently. In a playoff series, a good team with a good coach can scheme on the Cavs and out adjust them. Happened last year with Orlando, and this year with Boston.

In the playoffs, play is more physical. A team like Boston knows how to use that better than anybody. Boston is playing at a very high level defensively. Doc Rivers and his staff were able to make adjustments to stop LeBron from having big nights and limiting the other players. Boston frustrated Cleveland into not playing like they had all year.

When Cleveland won Game 3 124-95 in Boston and LeBron had 38-8-7, the Celtics were embarrassed. Rivers went to the drawing board and adjusted the game plan. Mike Brown just tried to do the exact same thing. He couldn't counter Boston's adjustments. He couldn't devise a plan to get LeBron going and spark the offense. That's why he's taking blame and why he was fired.

In a half-court game like Boston and Cleveland play in the playoffs, you must be able to execute. Boston's defense out executed Cleveland's O. Boston made the adjustments and Cleveland did nothing. Brown tried force-feeding Shaq, which slowed the pace to a crawl and got no one else involved. Brown went to Ilgauskas for the first time in weeks, which slowed things down even more. LeBron needs tempo and pace. Throwing it in to Shaq for the entire 24 seconds stifled the Cavs' offense and had prolonged effects.

Brown isn't a bad coach. He had a certain degree of success, but he underachieved. Brown could never make the proper adjustments and it cost him his job. Not returning to the Finals in the last three years is the ax that swung down on Brown. It branded him as a coach who can't get over the hump with capable teams. The East has been up for grabs the last two years and it was the Cavs for the taking.

Cleveland wants to prove to LeBron that it's all about winning a championship right now. Mike Brown has proven he's not ready yet. And this did not help his case at all: worst press conference moment of the year.

The NBA Coach of the Year trend continues. Next up, Scott Brooks. (If you win that award you're out of a job within two years.)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Super Clown, Not Superman

Foolishly, I leaned the wrong way prior to tip-off of Game 1 in the Eastern Conference Finals. I tweeted "I'll take Orlando." Not sure what I was thinking. Clearly not rational thoughts because Orlando is being owned by the Celtics.

Dwight Howard, or "Superman," is being stopped by Perkins in one-on-one coverage. If you go by "Superman", you dominate single coverage. That's why Shaq is accurate when he says he's "the real Superman." A 24-year-old Shaq would have posterized Perkins numerous times already, forced double-and triple-teams, which would open up shooters, and owned the glass. Gortat is rebounding better than Howard in this series. The 30-point Game 2 was not impressive. It was an ineffective 30. It still didn't allow any teammates to get involved, and he had to work way too hard to get those points.

Howard's act is so tiresome and played out. I've never laughed at his comedy routine. He's not funny. He's a clown, and not in a good way. Until he gets serious about his game and winning a title, he's not going to get my respect. He needs to stop impersonating his coach, Stan Van. Show a little respect. Quit warming up in your tank top, showing off your muscles. Your beach muscles aren't helping you get position on Perkins, so just wear the warm-up top, Dwight.

Acting as if he's never committed a foul is also getting old. Jeff Van Gundy commented how Howard has to have no credibility when it comes to arguing with the refs. The refs watch the film, too. They see him pleading and begging for fouls that just aren't there. The refs just ignore him, as well they should. Twice he's just stopped his move to the basket, both times resulting in a travel, to try to sell a phantom call.

Man up and play the game. If Howard wants to be a dominate center, start dominating. He'll never be Shaq. Not in the paint, not getting the laughs, and not acting.

Shame on you if you pay money see that movie Howard's in. Common as an NBA star? Definite pass.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Playoff Update

Cavs v Celtics

The Celtics have been in control of this whole series. Fortunately the Cavs were able to pull out Game 1 after a miraculous dunk by Mo Williams got them going in the second half. The Cavs have no answer for Rondo. He is able to get into the lane and get open looks for teammates.

The media is having a field day with LeBron's elbow. I haven't bought into this hype at all. Does it cause him some discomfort from time to time? I'm sure. But it can't be serious enough to prevent him from beating the Celtics. If the Cavs lose, it will not because of his elbow.

But the Cavs won't lose this series. They'll win tonight (game 3) to regain home court and then wear down the Celtics the rest of the way. The repercussions from a Cavs loss in this round would be catastrophic. A series loss to Boston means: goodbye LeBron, good riddance Mike Brown, thanks-for-nothing Shaq and don't-let-the-door-hit-you Danny Ferry. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. All that's coming in two weeks after they lose to the Magic again.....

Spurs v Suns

Pop is digging deep into his bag of tricks this round. Lulling everyone to sleep by playing like crap for the first two games. This series is far from over. I base that on past series, personnel, and coaching.

The Spurs can't stop the Suns right now. Suns have scored 111 and 110. I guarantee that doesn't happen in San Antonio. I also guarantee the Spurs win Game 3. Manu needs to get back to playing at the GINOBILI!!! level. The Spurs are officially over if they can't get back in this series.

I'll have to see Los Suns in the conference finals before I believe it.

Lakers v Jazz

The Jazz will fight to the end. They will never give in. Jerry Sloan is the best at getting teams to play that way. But they are just overmatched by the Lakers. The Jazz won't get swept because of the fight they have, but this one is probably over in 5.

Magic v Hawks

Go away, Hawks. They lost by 43 points in Game 1. You shouldn't be allowed to play again in the playoffs if you lose that badly.

They have no leadership on the court or on the bench. Mike Woodson lets the inmates run the asylum. He appears to have no control. Josh Smith gets an unintentional smack to the face and can't run back on defense. Joe Johnson should be leading, but I've never seen him speak during a game.

I just hope the Magic sweep and put the Hawks out of their misery. Congrats on getting steamrolled in the playoffs again, Hawks. I'll be expecting the same thing next year.

Even though the Hawks are awful, Orlando and StanVan deserve a lot of credit. They look great in these first rounds, but the competition has been questionable. But you can only beat who you play. I'm looking forward to seeing them in the conference finals again.