Friday, May 7, 2010

Playoff Update

Cavs v Celtics

The Celtics have been in control of this whole series. Fortunately the Cavs were able to pull out Game 1 after a miraculous dunk by Mo Williams got them going in the second half. The Cavs have no answer for Rondo. He is able to get into the lane and get open looks for teammates.

The media is having a field day with LeBron's elbow. I haven't bought into this hype at all. Does it cause him some discomfort from time to time? I'm sure. But it can't be serious enough to prevent him from beating the Celtics. If the Cavs lose, it will not because of his elbow.

But the Cavs won't lose this series. They'll win tonight (game 3) to regain home court and then wear down the Celtics the rest of the way. The repercussions from a Cavs loss in this round would be catastrophic. A series loss to Boston means: goodbye LeBron, good riddance Mike Brown, thanks-for-nothing Shaq and don't-let-the-door-hit-you Danny Ferry. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. All that's coming in two weeks after they lose to the Magic again.....

Spurs v Suns

Pop is digging deep into his bag of tricks this round. Lulling everyone to sleep by playing like crap for the first two games. This series is far from over. I base that on past series, personnel, and coaching.

The Spurs can't stop the Suns right now. Suns have scored 111 and 110. I guarantee that doesn't happen in San Antonio. I also guarantee the Spurs win Game 3. Manu needs to get back to playing at the GINOBILI!!! level. The Spurs are officially over if they can't get back in this series.

I'll have to see Los Suns in the conference finals before I believe it.

Lakers v Jazz

The Jazz will fight to the end. They will never give in. Jerry Sloan is the best at getting teams to play that way. But they are just overmatched by the Lakers. The Jazz won't get swept because of the fight they have, but this one is probably over in 5.

Magic v Hawks

Go away, Hawks. They lost by 43 points in Game 1. You shouldn't be allowed to play again in the playoffs if you lose that badly.

They have no leadership on the court or on the bench. Mike Woodson lets the inmates run the asylum. He appears to have no control. Josh Smith gets an unintentional smack to the face and can't run back on defense. Joe Johnson should be leading, but I've never seen him speak during a game.

I just hope the Magic sweep and put the Hawks out of their misery. Congrats on getting steamrolled in the playoffs again, Hawks. I'll be expecting the same thing next year.

Even though the Hawks are awful, Orlando and StanVan deserve a lot of credit. They look great in these first rounds, but the competition has been questionable. But you can only beat who you play. I'm looking forward to seeing them in the conference finals again.

1 comment:

  1. Ah the Cav's lose, and now starts what is going to be the most annoying ESPN soap opera in history.....or maybe 2nd most annoying, next to Farve, we will have to wait and see. Q: Where will Lebron end up next year? A: Who gives a shit! I actually am interested where he will go, but I am ready to puke even thinking about how much this will be covered, and the worst part....Lebron will LOVE it and feed fuel to the fire. He will try to keep everybody hanging, like the punk that he is. This is why no matter what type of numbers he puts up...let's face, you can't deny the sick numbers he puts up....he will never be Jordan, or even close in my book. He will hold a live press conference making his announcement of where he will go, gag! Lebron, you want to be the best ever, ask yourself, how would Jordan handle this? Not like the prissy bitch you are going to be. I actually hope I am wrong here, but my gut tells me I will be right. The most depressing part about the Cav's collapse, Shaq basically being done. Hats off to a great career, sad ending though. I was hoping for Lebron to give him one more ring and for him to ride off into the sunset.

