Thursday, May 20, 2010

Super Clown, Not Superman

Foolishly, I leaned the wrong way prior to tip-off of Game 1 in the Eastern Conference Finals. I tweeted "I'll take Orlando." Not sure what I was thinking. Clearly not rational thoughts because Orlando is being owned by the Celtics.

Dwight Howard, or "Superman," is being stopped by Perkins in one-on-one coverage. If you go by "Superman", you dominate single coverage. That's why Shaq is accurate when he says he's "the real Superman." A 24-year-old Shaq would have posterized Perkins numerous times already, forced double-and triple-teams, which would open up shooters, and owned the glass. Gortat is rebounding better than Howard in this series. The 30-point Game 2 was not impressive. It was an ineffective 30. It still didn't allow any teammates to get involved, and he had to work way too hard to get those points.

Howard's act is so tiresome and played out. I've never laughed at his comedy routine. He's not funny. He's a clown, and not in a good way. Until he gets serious about his game and winning a title, he's not going to get my respect. He needs to stop impersonating his coach, Stan Van. Show a little respect. Quit warming up in your tank top, showing off your muscles. Your beach muscles aren't helping you get position on Perkins, so just wear the warm-up top, Dwight.

Acting as if he's never committed a foul is also getting old. Jeff Van Gundy commented how Howard has to have no credibility when it comes to arguing with the refs. The refs watch the film, too. They see him pleading and begging for fouls that just aren't there. The refs just ignore him, as well they should. Twice he's just stopped his move to the basket, both times resulting in a travel, to try to sell a phantom call.

Man up and play the game. If Howard wants to be a dominate center, start dominating. He'll never be Shaq. Not in the paint, not getting the laughs, and not acting.

Shame on you if you pay money see that movie Howard's in. Common as an NBA star? Definite pass.

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