Monday, June 27, 2011

Casey Anthony trail: Competent to continue

The mysterious recess taken Saturday that cancelled seven hours of scheduled testimony was due to a motion filed by Casey Anthony's defense team challenging that their client is competent to stand trial.

It was another shocking twist in a trial filled with bizarre circumstances and testimony. After Judge Belvin Perry granted the recess, Anthony was examined by three psychologists over the weekend, who declared her competent to continue the trial.

Experts have speculated this motion was based on private conversations between Anthony and her defense team. Some believe it was due to an emotional breakdown. Casey Anthony's mother, Cindy, and brother, Lee, both gave emotional testimony on Friday.

Experts also suggest it could be due to a psychotic breakdown, or that she is hindering the defense's case, or that she isn't aware of what's going on in the case and courtroom. All is speculation. The psychologists findings were sealed by Judge Perry.

Another theory is this motion could be tied to whether or not Casey Anthony will take the stand later in the trial. Perhaps Casey Anthony is demanding to take the stand, against the defense's wishes, causing defense attorneys Jose Baez and Cheney Mason to file this motion to see if she is competent and fully understands the preceedings.

Speculation has ran rampant over the past few days in the most-watched and discussed trial of the decade. The defense is expected to rest its case later this week. George Anthony, Casey's father, will most likely be called back to the stand in what will be riveting testimony based on the accusations Baez made against him in his opening statements.

And the question of whether or not Casey Anthony will take the stand remains the hottest topic moving forward.

The defense continued its case today, the 29th day of the high-profile case, by calling the lead police investigators to the stand in the morning session. Casey Anthony has been seen smiling and laughing in the courtroom with the jury not present. Her stoic look returned in front of jurors.

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