Sunday, June 26, 2011

Switching it up

I'm changing up this page. Things at this blog have slowed to a crawl since I began working full-time at the Spencer Daily Reporter. The opposite should be the case. I'm looking at stories even more these days, and creating content on a daily basis. Just not here. Over at the Daily Reporter, I'm doing high school game recaps on the daily, and working in a feature story every week. I write a column for the Saturday edition every week.

In this business, you have to keep pushing. I've got things to say, and as an editor, I need to be able to find the biggest stories each day. Most of my interest involves sports, in particular professional sports. Other current events have peaked my interest lately, however.

The Casey Anthony trial is the biggest thing going right now. I've been following it closely. This is a place to put those type of stories that I find interesting. Every day I find something I'd like to share, or find interesting enough to share. Twitter is good, but this provides more space.

I'm adding another deadline to my life. Deadlines and pressure are what make the journalism industry move. You have to be able to thrive with deadlines and pressure attached to your work. I said over two months ago this page wasn't dead, and I stand by that. Not for a while at least. Not until I get a couple more rungs up the ladder.

Don't expect perfection here. Simply information and thoughts on the stories I feel are most interesting each day. Weekends are optional for posting. This is a case study for my own personal research - to see if I can add something else to my plate.

So I introduce "The Jevne Journal." Technically, it's always been the Jevne Journal, it's been in the url line since the start.

By definition, a journal is a) dairy; or b) periodical, esp. on a learned subject; c) book for recording each day's business. All of those descriptions are used as the basis here. Current events is the criteria, not just sports. I'm sure sports will be the most discussed, but look for topical news items as well. I'm trying to expand my horizons and mind.

It won't always be rants and column-type work. Opinion will be featured more than likely but objectivity is always stressed, as are facts. That's the foundation. Continue checking out my re-modeled project here. I still need the practice.

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