Friday, April 9, 2010

This Tiger Guy Is Good

What was going on with Tiger Woods again? I briefly remember his name mentioned in the news over the past few months, but it must not have been too big of deal.

Tiger got out of the gate very quickly yesterday on day one of the Master's. To the tune of his best first round score at Augusta ever (68.) That is focus.

I thought he could compete this weekend, but took the field. He had ever reason not to be on the leaderboard after the five-month fiasco that still won't quit. News that he allegedly banged his neighbor's 22-year old daughter just surfaced.

If anyone can pull this off it's Woods. As Earl told him, "You'll never meet someone as mentally tough as you. And he hasn't, and he never will." When it comes to golf, I might agree. When it comes to resisting sexual urges, he's no more mentally tough than Charlie Sheen trolling for hookers in Vegas. Maybe he is now, after months of  "therapy," but I digress.

I like Woods even more than I did before the scandal. Sure, he is/was a degenerate, but that just makes him more relatable. I like my superstar athletes to overcome adversity. I'm still waiting for a shoe to drop with LeBron. Nobody stays perfect forever.

I'll be pulling for Tiger this weekend, and every weekend, just like I was before.


Everybody is up-in-arms about the new Nike commercial featuring Tiger's dad. "Shameless" and "despicable" were used to describe it. "How could he use his dead father like that?!" I don't see what the big deal is. Tiger knows what his dad would be okay with.

The reason Tiger is the way he is, in every sense of his life, is because of Earl Woods. Earl told him there was no reason for him to get married. Earl had his own infidelity issues. He made Tiger into the best golfer ever, because that's what Earl wanted. It's common knowledge how close the two were. Tiger said he was his "greatest role model." He's Earl's son.

Now Tiger deserves a lot of the blame and credit as well, don't misunderstand. But why not incorporate Earl into an ad which subtlety addresses these issues? Earl would have had his back during this scandal. He would have understood what temptations Tiger had readily available. I assume he might object to the discretion used and quantity involved, but those temptations (or perks, depending on how you look at it) come with the territory of being the best in world. And Earl knew that.

It seems like a well-thought out sound bite that is effective. Allow me to narrate a conversation between Earl and Tiger, based on the questions asked in the Nike ad.

Earl: "What were you thinking?'
Tiger: "Well, Dad, I could have sex with any and every woman I came into contact with. After a few years of that, it gets pretty hard to resist. It wasn't really affecting my performance, so what's the big deal?"
Earl: "Good point, Tiger. But what are your feelings?"
Tiger: "My feeling is why get to the status of greatest ever if you can't bang every chick you meet?"
Earl: "Another good point. Have you learned anything?"
Tiger: "Yes, don't let it get out of control and be more careful. I'll need to take my privacy to another level. I'll probably get divorced in a couple years, also."
Earl: "Good work, son. Now go win a golf tournament."

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