Friday, April 9, 2010

McNabb Goes To Washington

So Donovan's a Redskin. The Eagles had too many quarterbacks on their team.

When you draft a QB in the first or second round, you want to use them eventually. Prime example: Packers. This is the Favre/Rodgers thing all over again. Slight differences, but the same.

The team is tired of dealing with the aging legend. The execs want their drafted guy to take over and boost their egos. The "old" guy isn't supposed to performing at this level at this age. McNabb said in his press conference "I guess I'm too old" to play in Philly.

The Eagles knew Kolb would be starting by now since he was drafted in 2007. Get him ready while they give McNabb a few more shots, while McNabb begins to fade.

That hasn't happened for the most part. McNabb's antics grow tiresome, but he's still performing at a decent level. But that's not good enough for Philly fan. They've seen too many big game losses. (And I don't begrudge them a bit. McNabb's had plenty of chances. I'd have seen enough, too.)

I'm looking at it as non Philly fan, though. I'll take McNabb over all the other QBs in the division now. The motivation will return. He'll have a new coach. I like Reid, but those two were tied at the hip so tight they were mistaken for Siamese.

The Eagles obviously like what they see in Kolb. I wonder if he will be able to throw the deep ball as effectively as McNabb. DeSean Jackson must have the same concerns.

If Shanahan can get some lineman in place and motivate Haynesworth, the Skins should stay competitive in the NFC East and the NFC in general. However, they need the combination of Portis, Larry Johnson and Willie Parker to produce what one healthy/young/not-past-their-prime back could produce.

And if Kolb doesn't work out, get Vick in the game. Philly fan will be shouting for that sooner than later.

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