Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Favre Frenzy

There's something about Favre that makes people lose their minds. We've all been down this road three times now and people are still going crazy over "reports" about Favre's decision making. I thought we covered all this last year. Even Favre doesn't know what the hell he's going to do. Certainly not right now.

The reports by the Star Tribune, ESPN and everyone else really makes me question how diligent these people are checking their sources. They were reporting Favre had "notified the Vikings he would not return." If you look closer it was some text message to an unnamed teammate that was the source.

Vishante Shiancoe told the StarTrib Favre "told a couple guys on the team he was going to retire." I need more than a mystery text message from a third or fourth party to confirm the decision of the most indecisive person in sports history.

They asked Childress. Of course he hadn't heard a thing about it, only saying the situation "is fluid," whatever that means. Steve Mariucci brought some sense to the discussion, claiming he talked to Favre who was, of course, shocked by all the fuss but said he never made such a decision.

Favre saying he's retiring in a off-the-record text message, allegedly, on August 3 doesn't hold any weight in the 2010 Favre Watch. It's much too early. He didn't join the team until August 17 last year. It's going to be later than that this year.

Calm down, Viking fan. No need to get anxious about battling around .500 with TJack behind center just yet. Favre Watch is far from over. As Rich Eisen said, "It's a marathon, not a sprint."

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