Thursday, December 30, 2010

Investigation to Nowhere

It took a four month investigation to find out what we already knew: nothing. The NFL finally waved the white flag, in the last week of the season, and declared they couldn't prove Brett Favre texted pictures of "his junk" to Jenn Sterger. In order to prove they were trying to find something, they fined Favre $50 grand for "not cooperating with the investigation."

This whole story stinks and it has ever since Deadspin, the hacks they are, decided they would essentially help Sterger exhort Favre over pictures that couldn't be linked to him. I don't mind the voice mails that were released. Each person can decide if that was Favre on the phone. But to release pictures of someone's dick and claim they're Favre's is stupid, salacious and disgusting. It's also bad reporting and journalism. And that's what Deadspin does.

Sterger was after money, that much is clear. When she couldn't get any from Favre, or not enough, she sold these pictures to Deadspin, who bought them hook, line and sinker. The seedy situation was talked about all season long and it provided an opportunity to bury Favre off the field.

Deadspin simply wanted to make a fool of Favre and destroy what was left of a shattered reputation. They pretty much succeeded because of the "judge first, find out facts maybe later, maybe never" attitude prevalent in today's society. I'm not here to defend Favre; I want him to go away as much as the next guy. But I also had to sit through months of "coverage" on this "story" only to have the NFL say they couldn't prove or find anything wrong.

The investigation dragged on much longer than necessary to find nothing. The $50,000 fine seems to be an effort to blame Favre for something, anything. Two months ago, Goodell said Favre was cooperating. Now he says Favre wasn't "candid enough in his responses." Does that mean he was fined for not admitting it? It was a he-said-she-said situation from the beginning. Goodell handled this about as poorly as Deadspin.

Hopefully this story, which allegedly took place two years ago, will go away forever. It's wasted too much of our time already. Unfortunately, I'm sure Deadspin will have a similar and less credible story soon.

1 comment:

  1. Karma is a bitch. Part of me has to think that this is Farve's taking advantage of Packers/Jets/Vikings by using his stature in the NFL to hold out on teams for more money and to skip training camp for so long. His stature backfired on him this time. She used it to get her name out, and she did just that. Now she is in playboy, all over the news and everybody's last memory of Farve will be this bull shit. Who cares if he did this, honestly. It happens all of the time in the NFL. Actually, I bet there is much worse that goes on but we just never hear about because it is some nobody linebacker in the league doing it, so who gives a shit. Part of me feels sorry for Farve on this, the other part says what a dumbass. You made over 20 million this year, pay this bitch to go away.
