Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Another Woman Accuses Big Ben

For the second time in eight months, Big Ben Roethlisberger is being accused of sexual assault. Last Friday a 20-year-old sought out a police officer after leaving a club in Milledgeville, GA to report the incident. He's got to be the dumbest Super Bowl winning quarterback in history.

Last July a hotel employee said she was raped by Roethlisberger a year earlier. The charges were denied, the accuser appeared not credible, the season started and the media dropped it. But what really happened that night?

Now here we are again. So many questions for the two-time Super Bowl champ. The first one is: "How stupid are you?" Followed by: "What the hell were you thinking?"

I've got to think bouncing his dome off a windshield without a helmet in 2006 did serious brain damage. If it's not affecting his play on the field, it certainly damaged the common sense/logical thought part of the brain. To put yourself in the same position, while still facing a sexual assault charge, defies any shred of good judgment or evidence of brain cells.

Clearly Roethlisberger doesn't get it, and never has. From the motorcycle accident to the first accusation to continuing to dive head-first after four concussions to this latest accusation, Big Ben is attempting to be the dumbest athlete since Pac Man Jones.

Roethlisberger has never been arrested. He's yet to be charged with a crime. But what does it say when he's facing another sexual assault case less than a year after the first?

He owns an off-season home on a lake about 30 miles from Milledgeville. Another question: nothing against Milledgeville, but why did he pick rural Georgia?

There is only one reason you go to a college club after 1:00 am on a Thursday night as a 28-year-old NFL quarterback. You're trying to get laid.

Reports from girls at the club that night said he was in a closed-off section of the VIP area. His big bodyguards were keeping people away. Some girls got invited let in. When all they wanted to do was take a picture Big Ben allegedly swore at them. A girl there said he was "aggressively hitting on another girl."

The accuser said he assaulted her in a women's bathroom.

Have you seen those pictures taken at the club that night? Roethlisberger looks like he weighs 300 pounds. He was wearing a XXXXL shirt with a huge devil logo on it. Not exactly looking like a boy scout.

He's got to just stay home. No other option at this point.

Roethlisberger has hired high-profile defense attorney Ed Garland, who has defended Ray Lewis and T.I. Garland is claiming "no criminal activity took place." Even if the charges aren't proven, the court of public opinion has to be nearing a verdict if it's not already there. Big Ben won't be looked at the same ever again.

1 comment:

  1. Great stuff Big Z!! Another question: You are a two time super bowl winning NFL QB with a 100M dollar contract. Why the hell do you have to try so hard to pick up chicks? I wouldnt have this much trouble and I am a out of shape, married ex average college baseball player with a 3 year old!!! How much of a tool must this guy be if he can't get a college chick to come home with him? My pick up line would be, Hi I'm Ben, I'm filthy rich and have a huge piece. My place or my limo? Come on man, get your life together.
