Monday, March 22, 2010

No Cinderella, Panthers are Real Deal

Don't call them Cinderella or David. Don't gush about it being the biggest upset in tournament history. They're the Northern Iowa Panthers. Things like this are expected, at least from this alumni. If you expect great, it improves the chances great things will happen. This team believes, expects and knows great.

There's no doubt Kansas had more talent. No doubt they were the better team on paper. But "that's why you play the game." That's why people love March Madness. The team that shows up and wants it more wins. UNI never doubted they could play with Kansas.

Even though UNI came into the tournament 28-4, they were still written off as a slouch. Their "weak" conference and loss to Evansville were harped on. They were overlooked by the committee, again. At least they were placed in the Midwest region. Playing another Midwestern school took the edge off. Kansas, Iowa - it's all the same.

Now they have the opportunity to play in St. Louis where they just won the Missouri Valley tournament. They'll play another team from the Midwest. Michigan State will be another tough challenge, but nothing they can't handle.

It's a great feeling to see an entire nation take notice. But it's long overdue. The ability and game plan has been there since they became regulars in the tournament in 2004. They just weren't able to get over the hump.

They played eventual runner-up Georgia Tech very close as a 13-seed in '04. They fought Wisconsin, Georgetown and Purdue to the brink in the following years. I mentioned earlier in the year how winning games in the tournament was the only thing they had left to prove. I wanted at least one win, but never doubted they could get more.

They won't be satisfied. They'll be back in Cedar Falls putting in work this week. The great thing about UNI is they're just "regular guys" and always have been. This is the reason I'm glad people have noticed across the country. Panthers everywhere take extreme pride in this school, this season, this team and want it to continue.

I didn't think there would be a Panther I would like more than Ben Jacobson (the guard from 2002-2006,) but Ali Farokhmanesh might have passed him. I love his demeanor and game. The confidence and big-shot ability is what every team needs. He's an underdog playing for an "underdog."

My buddy Drew and I went to every home game during our years at Northern Iowa. There was nothing we wanted more than tournament success and national recognition. The time has come, just a few years after our graduation. I envy everyone who was in Cedar Falls this weekend.

Big shout-out to coach Ben Jacobson. He's continued what Greg McDermott started and surpassed him. Keep up the great work. This should go without saying but....Don't even consider the Iowa job. Learn from McDermott. Hopefully they won't ask but have "no" ready.

Another shout-out to all the players this year. Adam Koch - Player of the Year in the Valley. Jordan Eglseder - the big man in the middle bouncing back from an embarrassing late-season DUI to play toe-to-toe with Cole Aldrich.

The work has just begun. Michigan State - Friday, 8:37 p.m. CST.

Panther Pride. UNI Fight!


  1. It was great to see UNI finally break through. I, like most people didn't expect them to beat Kansas (but I will boast that I won my bet as they clearly covered the 11.5 point spread, what was Vegas thinking?) I can second that while my time at UNI, the basketball team was normal guys who didn't let success get to their heads. Not knowing anyone on this years team and looking at them from afar it looks as if this team carries itself with the same attitude. Confident, not cocky. It would have been cool to have had one of those teams make a run back in the day but I can live with them getting their props now. I think Coach Jake is very underrated and it shows by his teams demeanor out on the court. They never look flustered or out of control (maybe except for a few possesions vs. kansas) and I think that all comes back to coaching. Congrats to the team and here's to hoping they keep it rolling versus the Spartans. Kansas, why not Michigan State?

  2. Let's just say Egelseder made me put my foot in my mouth on Saturday. Zach knows that I have been dogging on him for being "too slow" or having a vertical jump of eight inches. He stepped up on Saturday and kept Aldrich under control. Not to mention the two 3-pointers he sank. So Jordan Egelseder, you made me a believer on Saturday (even though I know he personally doesn't need to prove anything to me).

    As I was going crazy and anxiously pacing around the house while jumping for joy and yelling during UNI's mini meltdown, my younger sister asked me numerous times "why do you care so much?" I looked at her dead in the eye each time and said, "if you were a Panther, you would know." Those men did something the nation thought would be impossible, and gave the hard-working, family-centered people of Iowa a great thrill on Saturday. I'm sure I can speak for most of the UNI family when I say that those basketballers allowed us to stand a little taller that day. I think the whole country to learn a little something from that victory. I haven't heard or read one UNI-sided comment or story that gloated in the glory. Yes we were proud and yes we were excited, but like most of the people in UNI nation, we won graciously. No "ha ha" or "in your face Kansas" (something our neighbors in Iowa City could learn a little from). Every day is a great day to be a Panther, but that day was a GREAT day to be a Panther. I hope the boys get prepared for the next step and make us have something to cheer for all over again. If it doesn't turn out in UNI's favor, there will be no excuses or "well they should have lost anyway." That just not the UNI way.
