Friday, March 26, 2010

Scoring Title Does Matter To LeBron

LeBron James claims he could win the scoring title "every single year ... but it doesn't matter."

Question: If it doesn't matter, why are you trying to convince people that you could win it every year? If it's not important then why make a big deal about how you "could" do it?

This is another example of LeBron talking when he should be playing. I know a reporter baited him, but he took the bait.

If he doesn't care about the scoring title, which I don't believe, then say it's not important and keep moving. Don't qualify it with "I could win it every single year if I really wanted to."

Everybody knows he could lead the league in scoring. He's already done it once. But we also know that Jordan won about 10. For Alpha Dogs, scoring titles do matter, and the more the better. You're not fooling anyone, LeBron.

Just win it or shut up about it. It doesn't make me think he's a better team player because he said it doesn't matter. It's always mattered.

1 comment:

  1. It seems to me that the "next Jordan's" of the world have had trouble not sounding like morons. Its either the media is tougher today than when Jordan played, or they just do not have the smooth star quality like MJ. Side note: I like watching LaBron play basketball, I would love to watch him play football.
