Saturday, January 30, 2010

Romo The Romeo

I've always wondered how Tony Romo dated famous women. "Cowboys quarterback" is a big draw, and he's the nicest guy in the world, according to reports. But, come to find out, his pick-up game is at a Pro Bowl level, too.

My fiance, Shannon, was looking on Facebook earlier this week when she said, "Hey, look, it's Tony Romo."

I went over to the computer and, sure enough, there was Romo in a picture on her friend's page. She went to high school with Shannon, and now lives in Arizona.

The picture featured this woman and her sister with Romo and his manager. Only a few details were available from the comments below the picture.

This woman and her sister were out a bar/club (location: n/a), and this man approached them. He said, "Do you guys like football?"

"Not really," they said.

"Well, do you want to meet Tony Romo?"

They responded, "Sure." They followed this guy, who turned out to be Romo's manager, over to the VIP section where Romo was hanging out.

Romo said to them, and this was quoted in the comments, "Hi, I'm Tony Romo, and I like to play football."


I wonder if that's the line that got Carrie Underwood and Jessica Simpson?

1 comment:

  1. Wooooooooow!!!! I used to sort of like Romo. The guy who kind of came out of the blue. But come on man! I like to play football???? If I had money like that fella, I could think of the most off the wall pick up lines that would work and none of them would consist of I like to play football. Hey Tony, try this one, "Hi, I'm Tony Romo, aka Tall Johnny. Big Buddy, for sure your best column yet. Still laughing at this one!!
