Monday, January 18, 2010

Norval Gets Tripped Up

I came out to a flat tire this morning. No big deal, I need the exercise walking to campus.

People are clamoring that most of the games in the playoffs have been "boring." Not really the case. The top seeds were the better team across the board and all of them played like it except for the Chargers, who looked like hot garbage. I'll give credit to the Jets. The best teams playing well isn't boring to me.

Norval Turner is back on the hot seat after that performance. Pro Bowler and "most accurate kicker in NFL history", Nate Kaeding, blew three attempts on Sunday. It'd be foolish to blame him entirely, but this isn't the first time he's missed big kicks in the playoffs against the Jets. Iowans need to step up in those situations, and when they don't, they must bounce back.

Rivers and company couldn't move the ball effectively and the Jets continued their improbable run deep into the playoffs. If you win at this point it's because you are the better team. The Jets proved that. San Diego was the only team on the bye that the media wasn't asking serious questions about coming into this weekend.

The Saints, Vikings and Colts all came out with something to prove. The Chargers looked complacent and content. They thought they could just show up and win, which has been their problem in the past.

GM A.J. Smith will have to decide what he wants to do with LT and his Electric Glide. Norv will return unless Cowher wants the gig. There isn't anybody else out there. For the same reason, Wade "Son of Bum" Phillips will also return.

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