Thursday, January 7, 2010

Notes Around the League

  • The Redskins turned their whole organization over to Mike Shanahan. He signed a 5-year/$35 million deal to coach and have final say on all football decisions.
  • The Skins got a couple major pieces that were missing at the start of the season: 1) A new GM- Vinny Cerrato got canned before Zorn. That's how bad he was doing. 2) New coach - Zorn was a joke. Should have never been hired.
  • Next step: New quarterback. Jason Campbell is to quarterbacks as Jim Zorn is to head coaches. Portis got loose on Campbell during a radio show yesterday.
  • Good move by Snyder and Washington to bring in an established coach. Shanahan will try to rebuild his image that took a hit in his last years with Denver.
Charlie Weis
  • No surprise that Weis immediately signed with an NFL team. The Chiefs are betting on him return to glory as an offensive coordinator.
  • The Chiefs moved very quickly to get Weis. Haley and Pioli were most likely planning this once he was canned at Notre Dame because of past working relationships. Haley worked with Weis with the Jets.
  • Time will tell if Weis will be successful. Chiefs need better receivers and a much better defense. Chazz won't be helping with that. Cassell still has to prove himself. Still a lot of questions in Kansas City, but Jamaal Charles looks like a solid back. 
  • First step for KC: Get Charlie a snot-rag. No one wants to see boogers and slime running down his face every game.
Rex Ryan
  • Blowhard-of-the-year is at it again. In yesterday's press conference, Ryan said the Jets should "be the favorites" for the Super Bowl. Get over yourself, Rex. I'm all for confidence, but don't be stupid.
  • That's the dumbest thing that's come out of his mouth since he said the Jets were "obviously out of the playoffs" three weeks ago.
  • As much as Ryan trumpets is own horn, I'm leaning towards the Jets for an upset wild-card weekend.
Chris Henry
  • Charlotte police will not charge Chris Henry's fiancee with any crime following an investigation into the accident that killed the Bengal receiver.
  • This has to be a case of lack of evidence and witnesses. How can someone die from falling out of a truck you were driving and nothing happen? Vehicular manslaughter, anyone?

Quick Prediction: Texas over Alabama. I'm going with McCoy. A lot of the experts like Alabama.

1 comment:

  1. Just a quick reason why Notre Dame Football sucks to the point where it is almost funny.....The women there are ugly as sin (no pun intended). Trust me, I know first hand. If you want your football team to "return to glory", lower your academic standards so you can get better recruits, and more importantly, get super hot ladies to triple team them! When your academic standards are that high, something has to give. And that is the talent of your football team and the talent of your females. Just tellin' it like it is!
