Monday, February 15, 2010

Mavs Make a Move; Cavs Ponder Another Trade

The 2006 Finals showed a lot about the Mavs, still does. They were a team that choked and couldn't finish. Yet Cuban is just now moving guys around in 2010.

That's why I really like the Mavs trade. I've been waiting for Dallas to get a decent center. Haywood is solid for what the Mavs need - shot-blocking, rebounding and a potential low post threat. Dampier and Gooden were okay five years ago.

I like Caron Butler for Josh Howard.  Howard is more of a "bad team" player. He'd be better in a situation where there isn't a lot pressure. A team where he can burn everyday and no one will care. He's too fragile, and lacks the desire to make a team better. Butler will be much better for the Mavs.

Stevenson might be able to rattle a few cages in the West, also. He's always tried to get under LeBron's skin, why not Melo's and Kobe's?

This puts the Mavs into the running, but still behind the Lakers and Nuggets. I'll have to see how Carlisle handles the situation, but Dallas' chances have greatly improved. The Western Playoffs will be even better than last year.

Ferry Looks To Add Another Piece?

The Cavs are still desperate. All this Amare trade talk is crazy. Once again Danny Ferry is grasping at straws, trying to make it look like he's doing everything he can to get a title. It's not going to work. They already made their move when they brought in Shaq. That wasn't the right move, and bringing in Amare now doesn't make sense.

Does Ferry realize the Suns tried this very thing last year? Did he think, "I've got to try that combo with LeBron!" Mike Brown won't be able to handle that situation. Shaq isn't going to like it, and will make things uncomfortable. I think the Cavs need to move forward with the bigs they have now.

I'll be interested to see what shakes out before the trade deadline on Thursday. The Celtics needs to do something. As for the Lakers, just one thing: Get rid of Vujacic. I'm sure they've tried unsuccessfully. Get anything for him. I can't believe Morrison can't beat him out for 11/12th man.

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