Thursday, February 11, 2010

What's The Deal, LeBron?

If LeBron won't enter the dunk contest, get him in the three-point shootout. What's the real reason he won't participate?

Every all-time great has won hardware at All-Star Saturday. Is "The King" better than Bird, Kobe, Dr. J and Jordan? Maybe one day, but he's not above participating in the dunk contest or three-point shootout.

This take suggests that if requested by the league office, a player must appear in All-Star Saturday twice in their career. I agree with some of that opinion, but I don't think the league should force them to participate.

A player like LeBron James should want to participate on Saturday.

Winning the three-point shootout or the dunk contest is another notch in the belt. It's a rite of passage. Saturday night is all dunks and threes. LeBron does both those things as much as anyone in the league.

I don't understand why he keeps ducking the Saturday events. It's because he doesn't want to look bad by not winning. But he would win the dunk contest by just entering the damn thing.

LeBron could recycle old dunks and make them look so much better. Watch a couple tapes from over the last 15 years. Dominique did it with just raw power. LeBron could win so easy. [I need to note that Vince Carter is the best I've seen.]
But if no dunk contest, win the three-point contest instead. He's seventh in the league in three-point attempts, averaging over five per game. Win that and nobody doubts his shooting skill ever again.

Wild Theory Alert: There is one more thing LeBron could do (other than multiple championships): Win both contests. On the same night, while competing in the Shooting Stars competition. He could do it, and you know it. He would be the greatest All-Star ever.
One argument is he's already won a couple ASG MVPs that he doesn't need to do anything on Saturday. Maybe that's right, but then he should've been in the dunk contest early in his career. If Jordan and Kobe could do it, shouldn't LeBron be able to do it, too?

LeBron would rather dress up in a bow tie, and act up for the camera on the bench. I'm not interested in that.

Dunk or shoot, LeBron. Dunk or shoot. You've already waited too long.

Disclaimer: It is recommended that all "Wild Theories," here and in the future, be ignored.


  1. I am still holding out hope that he does come through on the dunk contest. He said after last year's that he wanted in. I think he'll be a last minute addition. --Patrick

  2. First I completely agree with you about Vince Carter being the best ever in a dunk contest, and I don't think it is even close. As far as LeBron goes, I think he is scared to be taken down a notch. Think back to when he was dunked on this summer and tried to confiscate the tapes. So what LeBron, you got dunked on. If you play long enough, eventually you will get dunked on for whatever reason. Whether it is you miss timed your jump, or it was a summer pick up game that some no name was taking way more serious than you. So I think in his mind, if he enters and sucks, then he thinks people will think less of him. I may be way off on this, but if it is true, it seems to be strange behavior for a cat that is such a great competitor in a real game.
