Thursday, February 25, 2010

Bandwagon is Getting Full Quick

I love America as much as the next guy. I cheer for all the Americans during the Olympics. I'm patriotic, but something has really stuck in my craw this week.

It's all the people coming out of the woodwork who are the biggest USA Hockey fans on the planet all of the sudden. Since when? Sunday night? Most of these people haven't seen a hockey game in years. Suddenly no one knows more about hockey than them, and they live and die with each game.

No one cared about the hockey team before they beat Canada. No one thought they would win anything. If the USA had lost Sunday night, no one would even know when they're scheduled to play next. Most people just like bagging on Canada.

I've never seen a bandwagon fill up so fast after one win. And don't even try to bring up the comparison to 1980.

Don't get me wrong: I'm not claiming I was on board with the hockey team before. I don't really care about hockey. It's dying/dead in this country. You know it's true. The Canada/USA game was on MSNBC in low-def.

"But they were the underdogs. They had no business winning that game. They're an inspiration!" The team is full of professional hockey players. It's embarassing they were written off in the first place.

I'll go to a hockey game if invited and enjoy myself, but I have a hard time getting too excited about the sport. Maybe hockey should just be an Olympic sport. (That might be the future.)

Like I said, I'll cheer for the team. I watched some of the game against Canada. I'll watch the Gold medal game, if they make it. I hope they win.

Root for USA Hockey, just don't act like you cared before they beat Canada.

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