Saturday, February 6, 2010

Michael Irvin and Lane Kiffin Back At It

When I saw news scrolling on the Bottom Line about Michael Irvin, my heart started racing. I thought, "Here comes the crack-related arrest I've been expecting." As it turns out, it was an alleged rape at a Florida casino in 2007.

Irvin filed a countersuit for $100 million, claiming defamation. Is Dr. Evil his lawyer? How do you come up with $100 mil? But I digress.

I'm still fascinated by Irvin. He's on reality shows, NFL network and had a radio show in Dallas. He was fired this week after the lawsuit was made public, but the station says it was planning on firing him before this news.

He's being accused of rape in a civil suit that also includes his brother and another man. I don't want to speculate on what happened that night, because I always raise an eyebrow when a civil suit comes out years after the alleged offense.

Whether there's any truth to these accusations, Irvin has to fight to clear his name every couple of years. It's always something with the "Playmaker," and I'll be waiting to see what's next.

Lane Kiffin

This Lane Kiffin guy is really starting to get under my skin. He's accepted a verbal commitment from a 13-year-old from Delaware to play quarterback.

Does USC, a supposed college football powerhouse, need to be signing up 7th graders? When was the last time a 13-year-old lived up to the hype? Not even LeBron James was getting this kind of national exposure at 13.

I don't care for National Signing Day to begin with, so when Lane Kiffin agrees to a verbal commitment from a middle schooler I really roll my eyes. Kiffin's strategy of whoring himself out for media exposure has worn thin, and he's only been around a couple years.

Let me know how this kid is doing in 10 years. Then I might care about his "great skill set."

Signing up for USC right now was a bad play by this kid and his family. There's no reason to heap unnecessary pressure on a kid that age.

The biggest thing for me is this: If this kid is the best in the nation (which you can't possibly tell in 7th grade), why couldn't he wait until he's able to sign a letter of intent? Why the spectacle? USC is this kid's "dream school" so he would have picked them anyway, right?

This commitment made things worse for Kiffin and this kid. I hope the two days of fame now is going to be worth it later.

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